Multifaceted Facility Support

Ambipar Response OSE proudly serves many of our state’s automotive manufacturers. With an impressive lineup of international carmakers including Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes, and Toyota opening facilities in Alabama, the state has rapidly emerged as one of the nation’s major automotive manufacturing centers. Business Facilities magazine named Alabama the number 2 state for automotive industry. According to, Alabama ranks 4th in the U.S. for vehicle exports, with parts and vehicle exports totaling $5.4 billion. Alabama climbed from zero to 2 million passenger vehicle produced in nine years. In 2011, automakers built more than 745,000 cars and light trucks in Alabama.
OSE supports the automotive industry through our industrial cleaning and waste transport and disposal service offerings. We regularly perform the following services for various automotive tier suppliers:
Weekly maintenance of pretreatment tunnel cleaning line
Emergency response
Environmental maintenance
Waste transport/disposal.